Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mentoring Highlights - Trip to Fermilab, Wallet Wise 12/1, 12/8

Out in our West Suburban Program, on Saturday, December 1st, eighteen students and five mentors payed a three hour visit to the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia.  The trip to Fermilab was part of the S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, and math) curriculum which we will be covered in future sessions.  Fermilab is operated by the Fermi Research Alliance; a joint venture between the University of Chicago, the Illinois Institute of Technology and the Universities Research Association.  Tour guides explained Fermilab's purpose, primary areas of focus as well as major energy and medical experimental findings.  The tour ended with a one hour lecture and question/answer period by renown Fermilab scientist Herman White.  Mr. White pointed out that much of the technology we make use of in our everyday lives, were fairly recently discovered by scientists throughout the world.  The day ended with a pizza lunch at the Quad County Urban League.

On December 8th, member Joel Foster delivered the Wallet Wise financial literacy curriculum, sponsored by Ally Bank.  Students from our South Side and West Side programs met at Chicago State University and were introduced to budgeting and credit concepts, as they embark upon their journey as becoming responsible financial stewards.

We also got a special treat as Joshua Murfree, Vice Chairman of Operations for 100 Black Men of America  out of Atlanta, stopped by to chat with our students and check out the operation.

Our the next couple weekends, all of our programs will engage in fun social activities, games and treats as we wrap up for the holidays.  Here's to a great 2012 and an even better start to 2013!

1 comment:

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