This week's session was jam-packed, as we continue our discussion on misogyny in hip-hop, as well as how women on portayed in the media. The session was dominated, though, by our preparation for the Annual Gala on Saturday, May 7th. Jaslyne McGlothin, the mentee hostess for the evening, dutifully practiced her presentation, and all of us brushed up on our fine-dining etiquette under the instruction of Chef Irving Brown. We also got a pleasant surprise when we were joined by his wife, Dr. Katherine Brown of the Coalition of 100 Black Women, making her second appearance this year, giving everyone words of encouragement. Finally we were joined by freelance writer LaRisa Lynch of the Austin Weekly, who is covering the Michele Clark program for an upcoming issue. Next session, we'll do a Gala re-cap, and talk about more college preparation types for our seniors.
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