Friday, September 17, 2010

2010 Mentoring Orientation (100 BMC Westside & Southside)

Last Saturday the 100 Black Men of Chicago kicked off their Saturday mentoring programs on the Westside and Southside. The 100 Black Men of Chicago serves as a bridge to help African American teenagers transition between adolescence and young adulthood. The 100 BMC is comprised of successful, educated, professional men of color, who desire to be accountable in our community and have insights to the challenges faced by young African American males.

Below are the details you need to know about our mentoring programs starting up this fall:
- Age: 8th through 12th grade
- Activities: Tutoring each week before workshops, Community service (40+ ho...urs earned) at Homeless shelter, with Senior citizens, College fair help, Men’s Health fair, etc.
- Competitions: Business plan & Stock trading
- Workshops: Anger management, self esteem, careers, interaction with police, personal finance, personal grooming, cooking, relationships with women, fixing cars, sexual health, etc.
- Date: Every Saturday starting 9/11 and ending 5/21
- Time: 10:00am – 12:30pm
- Locations:
* Southside: 1140 East 87th Street
* Westside: Austin YMCA 501 N. Central

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